About Us

Cleared Art for Hollywood

Are you a set decorator under the gun of a tight deadline? You have ten sets you're decorating, the script changed last night, and now you've got to scramble to redecorate? You love picking out art, but it takes a long time to find the right artwork for every set.

Every year production schedules get tighter, budgets get leaner, and the expectations double. We've been providing cleared art to set decorators since 1998, so we know what you're going through.

Let us help you find the perfect artwork quickly. We have over 2,000 beautiful artworks in our North Hollywood gallery available for sale or rent today. Come on in and we'll show you the best pieces for your production. You'll be in and out with gorgeous cleared art in no time.

No time to visit our gallery? We have over 5,000 pieces on our website. Add items to a set list and then send us a hold request. Or send us your specifications and our sales staff can send you a list of options.

We know your time is short, so we'll help you out at the speed of production.

Staff at Art Pic to help with cleared art rentals in Los Angeles

Our Story

Art Pic was founded by Marina Kieser in 1998, at its current location, as an art rental and sales gallery to the motion picture and television productions.

The gallery has grown to attract set decorators, art directors, collectors, interior designers, real estate stagers and many more who are purchasing and renting art at Art Pic.

Renowned for their discriminating eye and solid curatorial skills, Art Pic continues to show works of established and emerging fine artists. We provide access to fine contemporary art while giving our roster of artists brand recognition and worldwide exposure.

We deal in original, one of a kind, high-end contemporary work and have new art every week. Our inventory is ever rotating to keep us up to date on the market of contemporary art.

Art Pic is proud to be a business member of the Set Decorator's Society of America.

Our Founder

Marina was trained as an Architect, and studied at the Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna. She previously worked as set dresser, set decorator, production designer for feature films and commercials as well as a stylist for magazine print jobs.

Exterior of Art Pic cleared art in Los Angeles

Visit Us

Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm
Extended hours by appointment Are you an artist? Read our FAQs